
Saturday, April 16, 2011

What is your QUEST???

I have a confession to make.  I love planning my future wedding.  The other day I found a wedding planning website that I love and I’ve been spending an unnatural amount of time on it.  What can I say there’s something attractively addicting about gazing at pictures of white ball gowns, six-tiered cakes, and rings stuffed with diamonds. 
Anyway, I got an email from this website today, trying to coax me into using their website more often.  They promised me more ease with planning my wedding by creating a wedding checklist with all my to-do’s (okay, I had to pretend I was actually getting married in order to enjoy the benefits of the site, all the way down to the date and the groom’s name.  Let’s just say July 12, 2012 will be the happiest day of “Bob Smith’s” life).  The last sentence on the email asked me to start putting together my quest list.
I did a double take.  “Quest” list?  What was that? 
It took me another moment to realize that it actually said “guest list,” which made a lot more sense.  But my quasi-Freudian slip got me thinking.
My last couple days have left much to be desired, to say the least.  Too many moments where I just wanted to lie down and forget the world.  I haven’t been so much sad or depressed as just…tired.  I’m just beginning to pull myself out of it, thankfully, but there’s still a cloud hanging over my head. 
But there was something about those imaginary words quest list that got me wondering: What if I actually had a list of all my quests?  No, not goals, but quests.  There’s something appealing about the idea.
So here it is.  Completely spontaneous and subject to change. 
My Quest List
1.  To follow that star no matter how hopeless, no matter how far! 
2.  I seek the Holy Grail!  (Okay, maybe I stole these first two.)
3.  Go to Scotland, stand on top of a mountain or a castle, and yell at the top of my lungs, “FREEDOM!”
4.  See Neuschwanstein castle.
5.  Run…run…keep running…until I have run a half marathon!
6.  Acquire an appreciation for every kind of food.
7.  Serve EVERYONE!
8.  Become a motivational speaker.
9.  Read until I have ripped through all the books I have always wanted to read.
10.  Find that ONE man!  And then spend forever with him. : )

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