
Monday, March 18, 2013


You might have noticed that I've been a little MIA here on the blog as of late. I've been struggling to write on it. For one reason or another, even though I've been writing a lot, I've had very little desire to publish anything here. 

I've had to finally come to terms with the fact that I have exhausted the purpose of this blog. I created it nearly 2 1/2 years ago to share my writing as I was taking my first college writing classes, and whatever else I felt like. And that was great. But things have changed a lot since then. As I've gone over the first posts to this blog with fondness, I remember how devoted I was to it and how free and easy it felt to write here. But now I feel like the blog is laced with my own expectations. I know that most of the people who read it know me personally, and I'm afraid to share things that are too personal, or not interesting enough, or too serious, or too lighthearted, or too ridiculous. I just don't even know what belongs here anymore. I don't even know if I belong here anymore. 

So that's why I'm leaving. I've created a new blog for my writing, to replace this one. I just need a place where I can be free again. 

But this blog has been great. I want to thank you all, those few of you who might be reading this, for reading Pass the Chocolate over the past couple years. It's helped me move forward with my writing and with myself. Thank you so much for being supportive of me and helping me to discover myself as I writer. (Although I wouldn't say I've quite discovered myself as a writer yet, and I may well spend the rest of the my life trying to.) So adios, amigos, and thanks for everything! 

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